Teach One International

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing educational opportunities to children in Zambia.

Meet The Children

Our students come from one of the poorest neighborhood in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. Many in the community lack basic necessities such as running water and electricity. An average income per family is less than $300 per month.

Each student at the school is special. Even if many of them face unimaginable challenges, they come to school everyday eager to learn. Their determination is an encouragement to all of us.

Some children are orphans who are being raised by relatives. The school is not only a place where they are receiving free education, it also serves as a place of refuge. A place they can build community with others.

How The School Is Funded

The the school is funded by donations from donors from the United States. Groups of missionaries lead by Chris Wood, have been visiting and helping the school since 2010. Every donation received goes directly to help fund the school. The volunteers in United States do not receive compensation for their work.

Your donation is tax deductible.

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